저자 및 기관: 이향숙 (침구경락융합연구센터), Wenbo Peng·Amie Steel (Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine), Rebecca Reid (Office of Research, Endeavour College of Natural Health), David Sibbritt·Jon Adams (Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine)
발표 저널: Complementary Therapies in Medicine
원문 링크: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30935558/
Lee H, Peng W, Steel A, Reid R, Sibbritt D, Adams J. Complementary and alternative medicine research in practice-based research networks: A critical review. Complement Ther Med. 2019 Apr;43:7-19. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.12.023.
Aims: To provide a critical analysis of peer-reviewed literature reporting research from practice-based research networks (PBRNs) relating to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
Methods: A comprehensive literature search of peer-reviewed literature reporting PBRN research focusing upon CAM was conducted in PubMed, Ovid Medline, EMBASE, and CINAHL from their inceptions to June 2017. PBRN registry and websites of relevant PBRNs were also searched for further information. With regards to the nested PBRN studies included in our review, no study design restrictions were imposed and both empirical research and relevant methodologically-focused manuscripts were included. Methodological quality was evaluated via a number of established tools.
Results: A total of 51 articles reporting upon CAM research in PBRNs including six articles outlining CAM-focused PBRN establishment were included in the review. The findings of the literature were categorised as either: health services research (including work examining characteristics of patients and practices, doctor-patient communication, and CAM prevalence); effectiveness/safety research; or feasibility research. While 19 studies from non-CAM focused PBRNs tended to report on CAM prevalence and doctor-patient communication about CAM use, 26 articles from CAM-focused PBRNs reported on the characteristics of CAM users, practice patterns, and effectiveness/safety of CAM practice.
Discussion and conclusion: PBRNs - both CAM-focused and non-CAM focused - have provided a useful platform for research investigations around a number of core CAM-related issues. Given the increasing popularity of CAM use in healthcare and the identified benefits of practice-relevant research, further in-depth CAM research nested within PBRN designs is warranted.
Keywords: Complementary and alternative medicine; PBRN; Practice-based research network.
Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
한글 요약
보완대체의학의 이용자는 세계적으로 늘어나고 있는 추세이며 실재 임상을 기반으로 하여 진료에 실제로 영향을 줄 수 있는 연구의 중요성도 강조되고 있다. 실제 임상을 기반으로 한 연구를 가능하게 하는 네트워크인 PBRN (practice-based research network) 중 보완대체의학 분야 문헌에 대한 비평적인 분석을 하고자 2017년까지 동료 평가를 받은 모든 문헌을 여러 데이터베이스(펍메드, 메드라인, 엠베이스 등)와 프로토콜 레지스트리, PBRN 관련 웹사이트에서 검색하였다. 이 중 본 연구에 적합한 51편에 대하여 분석을 수행하였다. 보완대체의학을 다루기는 하였으나 중점이 아니었던 PBRN 문헌에서는 보완대체의학의 이용 비율과 보완대체의학 관련 의사-환자 관계가 어떤지에 대하여 관심을 가졌으며 보완대체에 중점을 둔 PBRN 문헌에서는 보완대체의학 이용자의 특성, 임상 패턴, 보완대체의학의 효과성, 안전성에 관심을 가졌다는 점을 알 수 있었다.