(Nov 2013)
중동호흡기증후군-코로나바이러스(MERS-COV) 환자와 접촉한 사람의 혈청 역학 조사
A cohort study design encompassing a comprehensive assessment of all contacts of confirmed and probable MERS-CoV cases, including household, familial, social, occupational and health care-associated contacts, is necessary to determine the spectrum of illness and risk factors associated with infection, routes and risk of transmission, and to guide efforts for prevention of transmission of the MERS-CoV virus. This protocol outlines 1) how to find and test all contacts of laboratory-confirmed and probable MERS-CoV patients, and 2) methods to assess risk factors for MERS-CoV infection.
Health care personnel contacts can be investigated using a different protocol.
(see WHO website: http://www.who.int/csr/disease/coronavirus_infections/en/)
This investigation will provide data to evaluate some of the key clinical, epidemiological and serological characteristics of MERS-CoV cases and their contacts to inform national and international policy, and improve guidance to reduce the spread of infection. This investigation will also provide data to evaluate risk factors for infection.